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Annual Sweetheart’s Banquet

Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship St. Paul Chapter ANNUAL SWEETHEART’S BANQUET with Ken and Shar Greter – Senior Leaders of Transform International Ken and Shar have mentored, advised and cared for people throughout their 25 years of service. Ken’scaring yet humorous approach is an inspiration to those he reaches. Then have been involved with various mercy and humanitarian projects. Shar has a passion for worship and mentoring younger women, and is gifted with a prophetic dream-life. Come and enjoy this couple as they share their experiences. EVERYONE IS WELCOME For reservations call 780-645-1914 Meal charge is $10.00/person 7:00 pm on Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Feb 09 2010


8:00 pm - 8:00 pm
QR Code

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