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Calendar Instructions

Below you will find instructions on the all the different ways you can integrate our community calendar into your web site. We have many options and data feeds you can take advantage of. Don’t see what you need? Please contact us for more information.

There are three ways you can add our calendar to your site. These methods range from the simple to complex so please pick the one that suits your needs best.

RSS Feed

You can republish our RSS feed onto your web site. If you are using WordPress, there are many plugins that will facilitate this integration. Choose one from the selection you find here:

If you don’t use WordPress, or another Content Management System that offers RSS Feed plugins/extensions, please use the form below to contact us for help.

In addition to the plugin, you will need our RSS Feed URL. You have a number of choices because you can use our main calendar feed, or choose to grab just the feed from a certain category. Here are some examples:

Full Calendar:

By Category:

(Where “xxxxxxx” is the category slug. Most categories have a single slug like ‘sports’. A few have two words like ‘arts-culture’. Replace the xxxx’s with the category slug you want to display on your web site.


You can copy and paste the Javascript below directly into a Block on your WordPress site and it will display our full calendar exactly as you see it on our site. You can also use a plugin like Code Snippets to add the code to and then embed the Snippet in a page or post. We recommend a full width page for this option.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


For advanced users, you can grab our JSON feed and format it in any way you like on your web site. The feed URL is below:

Have a Question?

We are here to help you with your integration needs. In addition to the methods above, we can help you subscribe to our calendar and import our events, plus we can help you with getting the correct category or feed URL. Please contact us using the form below.

Contact Us

Maximum file size: 516MB

You can send us multiple files up to the maximum total file size of 516MB. Files can include images, event CSV or spreadsheets, or any documentation you would like to send us.

Travel Lakeland Community Calendar is a free service to the communities in our region. Support us by adding your events and attending the events you see listed here. Thank you for your support!