Mallaig Ag Society Bookkeeping Tender
- Pick up mail/check email
- Deposits to ATB
- Pay all invoices received electronically and via mail
- Invoice Minor Hockey utilities, wages and CIMCO rebill
- Input all transactions into accounting software
- File all paperwork
- Reconcile 4 bank accounts
- Prepare YTD monthly financial statements for review at the AG monthly meetings
- Prepare YTD reports for all active projects for review at the AG meetings
- Invoice Mallaig Seniors and Mallaig Curling Club annual rent
- Complete Property Tax allocation and provide to all user groups for information and billing purposes
- AGLC Casino reporting
- Alberta Ag Societies Annual Return and Grant Application
- Invoice Mallaig Curling Club CIMCO rebill
- Prepare records for submission to the accountant
- Attend AGM
- Track all etransfers for specific function for the organizer of the function
- Obtain floats for specific functions
- Provide project reporting details for all capital and fundraising projects
This position will require 3-4 hours of work per week with more time required in the winter months.
The applicant should have bookkeeping experience and understand accrual accounting procedures.
The applicant shall provide the accounting software they are proficient with and demonstrate ability to track projects.
This tender will close December 4,2024 2 12:00AM
Please email all tenders to: ddargis@ualberta.ca
Please email any questions regarding the tender to mallaigagsociety@gmail.com